It has been a moment since my last blog and with good reason. I have been in prayer and studying the Proverbs 31 Woman. I was on the internet a couple of weeks ago and I was looking at other blogs and articles about the Virtuous Woman and I became astounded at how many women really do not like this woman. A lot of women abhored the fact that Proverbs 31:10-31 was the standard for Godly women. I thought to myself that they've got it all wrong. This woman is not "the standard." She is simply another example of a Godly woman that one can choose or not choose to learn or model from. There is not to be any pressure to model oneself after this woman. It is a choice.
There are so many wonderful Godly women in the Bible to learn from and shadow. For myself, the Virtuous Woman is not the only woman that I aspire to. There's Sarah, who made it to the Hall of Faith in Hebrews 11. There's Leah, Hannah, Deborah, Ruth, Naomi, Rahab, Esther, Miriam, Naaman's servant girl, Abigail, Priscilla, Lydia, Dorcas, the Mary's, the woman with the issue of blood, Martha, and I can go on and on and on. I could even include the women who teach us what we shouldn't do. So you see there's no pressure to meet the checklist. As a matter of fact this woman is rare. The Virtuous Woman is not common. She doesn't come a dime a dozen. "Who can find a virtuous woman for her price is far above rubies." Prov. 31:10. This verse speaks to how rare a woman like this is. Who wants to be virtuous?
The word virtuous is a military word. It means to be mighty and valiant. She's a soldier. She'll ride and die for God and her family. Who knew that all of the task that are mentioned in the verses were acts of warfare. Who knew that to gain the total trust of your man, getting up early, going to bed late, working outside of the home, going the extra mile with dinner, making sure everyone's outfitted, worship to God, outreach, and let's not forget her business, and taking care of the family finances were all acts of warfare. Who wants to do all that? "Many daughters have done virtuously..." Prov. 31:29. At some point in our lives we have all done virtuous acts, but to be consistently Virtuous is a choice and path taken by only a few. And that's O.K. As you can see in Proverbs 31:29 not following the model doesn't change your status as God's daughter. If you've chosen this route. If you've chosen to be a Virtuous Woman and not just do virtuous acts...then this is the blog for you. Please feel free to subscribe, comment and share your virtuous journey with other Virtuous Women as we deal with all things that pertain unto life and Godliness.
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