Friday, June 28, 2013

Finishing Strong

This year has been a blessing.  I definitely started out the year on the good foot.  Some things have happened but I believe God to show himself strong.  The time has flown by and we are halfway through the year. 

I pulled out my goals to assess what's been accomplished and I am thankful for what I have been able to do thus far.  I still have some miles ahead of me, but I've made progress and I intend to finish this year out strong. I know that I have God's supernatural provision for He has given us all things that pertain unto life and godliness.

My faith right now is strong and I look forward to God's manifestation in all areas of my life. I am definitely making progress in seeking God's will for everything (Proverbs 3:5,6).  Even with the things that I can do on my own. He has blessed me in what I consider the small things. He has given me favor with persons and everything that me and my family have needed to get done has been no problem. 

I have colossal feats ahead of me still to be accomplished and I have no doubt that they will get done with God's help and direction.  I'm looking forward to the rest of this year and I am excited about finishing strong. If it's according to my expectation and hope then it's high. The Sky's the limit.

If you have not done all that you have wanted to by now - - no need to fret...the year is not over and you, too can finish strong. Do not beat yourself up. Start from where you are and take it one day at a time.  Everything does not have to be in place. Get moving, get going and watch God give you more on your way than when you started. Everything is already done for you.  Be encouraged and make the decision to finish this year out strong.